Oh boy... that question still I didn't find the right answer. Well, it is subjective to each person. That's what other sources say. For me, I have a secret on my own...:)....
1. First I think the most important is to eat less. oh well, it is logic right? If you don't eat too much, where are those calories come from? But if you eat too little, sometimes and always you tend to eat a lot later on. I mean A LOT. So be moderation in food intake. If you make it a habit, you don't feel to eat more if your stomach full. Believe me.
2. This is my favorite, EXERCISE! This is what people don't like to do. To start an exercise is like a huge burden and a torture too. Even I exercise regularly, I intend to feel sluggish even to start an exercise routine. It's all in your mind. Make them a routine in your daily life. I normally at least 3 times a week with each minimum last 25 mins. To get a better result, push yourself to a tougher one every time. It does help a lot!
3. Be Happy!!! To do all those above, you must feel good about yourself. Be motivated and inspired by others. Then you have this mission of yours... to be fit and healthy and that will make you happy!
As you know my history, I used to be an active sportswoman and I was fit all the time. Then the injury happened, so I stop on the spot. I gained weight bit by bit thanks to pressure in studies and loves of chocolate. After studies in high school, I was on and off exercise just when you feel too. Then get married and 5 months later I got pregnant. After my first child, I gained weight tremendously. I was ashamed of myself, but I didn't do much to change that. Soon after that I pregnant again. During that pregnancy I start determined to exercise. I got a bicycle exercise for a mother's day and since then I bike almost everyday. Even after giving birth, I continuously exercise regularly either cycling or running.
Normally people will start training in food intake before you start to exercise. But for me, exercise is in my blood and I just love eating. It is hard for me to control my eating intake. But with my determination I start to take in moderation and make it into a habit. It works!
I don't say that I have a perfect body now. I'm still working on it. But I can say that I am satisfied with my achievement and I can still fit in my old jeans. That's matter...:)))
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