Before I've been in the silent mode, I've enjoyed myself with a bunch of activities with my students (whom I respect their spirits & commitments towards all activities that our club organised). It was truly a positive aura surround us all.
Our activity, dated 7/5/11 - 9/5/11 was hiking and camping at Gunung Nuang. Gunung Nuang peak marks the meeting point of three Malaysian states, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang & Selangor. The mountain itself is the highest peak in Selangor. This is one of Selangor’s highest mountains, and it’s not really a difficult mountain to conquer. And this is also my second trip to the peak of Nuang... 13 yrs back..
The height of Gunung Nuang is 1,493m (4,898ft) and the expedition took around 9km long with approximately 8 hours to reach to the peak. Since we took 3 days and 2 nights to spend at Gunung Nuang, we took time to reach to the peak with camping at the campsite for refreshing and resting period.
Below are the logs written by one of the participant for the expedition which I've gain his permission to post them here :)
this is our journey... |
7/5/2011 – 9/5/2011
Day 1
All students n lecturers gathered at Twintech parking lot. Start repacking foods n utensils. First trekking started when we search for the lost van in the concrete jungle. After a long frustrating search, finally the van moved desperately into parking lot which turnout to be borrowed by unauthorized Twintech staff. We have kill one and half hour of our time. Start loading our haversacks and we moved at 10:30am together with Pn Hafsah cars'. Along the way we bought some cooked food for our lunch. We reached Pangsoon around 12:00am and registered at the rangers office.
Time : 12:28
Loc : Pangsoon
Height : 185 mtr fr sea level
Temp 35.9 C
Air Press 991 hpa
Wheather Hot n shinny
After a short brief and reciting doa, we make our moves along bituminous road and about 200 metres we reach the junction which leads us to the river track. It is like walking in foreign country as the vegetation are alien to our forest.
Time : 14:02
Loc : Pangsoon- Lolo
Height : 310m fr sea lvl
Temp : 31.5 C
Air Press : 975 hpa
Wheathe r: Hot n shinny
We took a long rest after climbing the first stiff mountain and the track were slippery. The foliage of giant trees protect us from the scorching sun.
Time : 15:43
Location : Pangsoon-Lolo
Height : 315m fm sea lvl
Temp : 30.7 C
Air Press : 976 hpa
Weather : Hot n shinny
We took another long break and have our lunch by the rushing river. Tranquility is the words. After performing our jamak solat, we start our journey again along the river banks. It is proved, that the river is our worst challenge. We have to cross the rushing water and slippery rocks 7 or more times. Some of our members do feel the coolness of this natural mineral water when unintentionally swallowed and washed by the water.
Time : 19:05
Location : Sungai Lolo Campsite
Height : 555m fm sea lvl
Temp : 29.2 C
Air Press : 948 hpa
Weather : Cloudy
We were lucky to find a remote location to set up our tents as almost all site are fully occupied by campers. There are easily around 8 to 10 groups. Even though the campsite is quite a walking distance to the river, the ground are flat and easily can accommodate 5 tents. We settle down for the day.
Day 2
Date : 08/05/11
Time : 10:00
Loaction: Lolo Campsite
Height : 545 meters fm sea level
Tempreature : 29.2 C
Air Pressure : 949 hpa
Weather : Shinny
After a long good sleep & healing process (sleepless night for as the nightman) we wake up early in the morning and prepared our superfast and full of energy breakfast....tuna sandwish and scramble eggs.The nutritions are good enough to energized our mind and body before the elements consumed all of it. Everybody seems eager to fullfill what they dreamed for without knowing what may lies in their bare from mother nature (accept me n Pn Aida) En Azam volunteered to safeguard our campsite and belongings. After reciting doas, with three small bags we brought along our fried beehon for our lunch at the peak if we made it. Within a minute of walking, the very first obstackle lies in front of us....another river crossing with its gushing water. After two long hours of walking and crawling we reach Istana Pacat.
Time : 12:00
Location : Kem Pacat
Height : 1035 meters fr. sea level
Tempreature : 30.4 C
Air Pressure : 895 hpa
Wheather : Cloudy
Upon reaching at Kem Pacat, we rest for another 30mins or so. This is the last spot to refill our water container with the only water sources from a small river before we go on. Unfortunate for one of the members who had a complication during the journey decided to descending back to Kem Lolo. Another member voluntered to accompanied her way back to the campsite. That make only ten of us left to complete the mission. Our next target are Batu Putih (green anyway coz of algae) and Anak Nuang. We have to struggle for the next one and half hours climbing slippery slopes, roots and rocks.
Time : 14:10
Location : Puncak Pengasih (Anak Nuang)
Height : 1410 meters fm sea level
Tempreature : 29.2 C
Air Pressure : 865 hpa
Weather : Sunny and windy
Anak Nuang is a narrow and long path that leads to Nuang summit. It can be considered as flat and the soil are muddy due to constant moisture its received all year long. Puncak Pengasih is a wide flat area that climbers take final rest before proceed to the summit. While we are waiting for three group members to arrive, we can see the summit in between trees at the end of the ridge. There will be another tough climbing in front of us. The situation almost demoralised our spirit, but we are at the point of no return till we reach the summit. Soon after all members arrived, we proceed and the trekking will take between 30 to 45 minutes.
Time : 15:00
Height : 1455 meters fm sea level
Tempreature : 29.5 C
Air Pressure : 851 hpa
Weather : Cloudy and windy
You know it is the summit when you see the Beirut (steel structure that looks like a pyramid). We have our lunch under this structure....beehon and Sungai Lolo water. Everybody are on their smiley face.The suffering and torture have long gone. Satisfaction of a life time achievement. Cold wind blows and the surrounding are misty. Due to hazed, our visibility are limited whereas on a good day you could see Selangor, Pahang and Negeri Sembilan. We spend one hour at the summit looking at breathtaking views. After performing solat jamak and taking pictures we decending down 16:00 hours.
Time : 18:00
Location : Istana Pacat
Height : 1035 meters fm sea level
Tempreature : 28.7 C
Air Pressure : 895 hpa
Weather : Sunny
We reach Istana Pacat a little bit late due injuries. As usual we took a long rest and we emptied our water bottles (meaning we have to reach Lolo without water...normally it is ok) After fixing our Nicotine intake (bad habit never die) we start to walk again. Slowly and carefully, we find ourselves trapped in the middle of darkness due to the dense of the jungle. Luckily we are all prepared with our torchlights
Time : 20:15
Location : Lolo Campsite
Height : 540 meters fm sea level
Temperature : 29.1 C
Air Pressure : 950 hpa
Weather : Clear night with stars
We reached Lolo Campsite in three separated groups. The first group reached at 17:15 hours. The last group contained seven members. We were blessed with Allah will, we managed to reach our destination even though in difficulities and full of unexpected challenge. After cleaning ourselves we have our dinner and call it the day (not for me....another sleepless night with watchful eyes)
Day 3
After having our breakfast, it is a free time for everybody. Swimming are the favourite activities. We started to pack our stuff and cleaned the surrounding. We started decending down to Pangsoon by using the Trailler Route at 11:00. It is not a difficult route but it is sure a dull journey and exposed to the heat. Finally we reached Pangsoon before 13:00 hours.
We reached Twintech around 15:00 hours. ALHAMDULILLAH
I would like to take this opportunity to congratule the whole team. Bravo guys and girls. Only the braves can touch the cloud. You all are the winners. You have done us proud. Your contribution and commitment are most welcome. Thank you to Miss Wahidah who ensure this log book are not left empty. Oh Almighty Allah, grant that we may first be a winner in Your eyes, and then in our own......amin. Wassalam.
me and my 65 litre bag sack. |
rations all food items & kitchen utensils with others bag sack. |
Photo shoot at the front gate of the trek. |
me & the ladies... |

the journey to the camp site Lolo began.. however there are 2 paths we can choose, either the river path or the vehicles path. fortunately, we choose the hardest path, the river... |
here is where we camp at camp site Lolo. |

our way to the peak!
one of us had sole problem... hahahaha!!
the faces of extreme exhausted..
me and the team at the Kem Pacat. At this point I had to accompanied one participant who injured back to the camp site...
this is where the rest of the team reach 'puncak pengasih' just a few metres from the peak..
we're almost there...
we're at the top!!!